This Video shows Type Two Conditional.
يشرح هذا الفيديو النوع الثالث من الجمل الشرطية، بحيث أننا نستعمله عند التحدث عن شيء مشروط حدوثه بشيء اخر قبله ولكن من الخيال وغير حقيقي

Video Examples أمثلة الفيديو

  1. If I had millions of dollars, I would build a hospital.
  2. I would build a hospital if I had millions of dollars.
  3. If I got an American passport, I would travel the world.
  4. I would travel the world if I got an American passport.
  5. If a pan of hot oil started burning, I would turn off the cooker quickly.
  6. If I knew where she lived, I could see her more.
  7. If John were a teacher, he would be a good one.

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