This Video shows Type Zero Conditional.

يشرح هذا الفيديو النوع الأول من الجمل الشرطية، بحيث أننا نستعمله عند حدوث شيء شرط تحقق فعل اخر قبله

Video Examples أمثلة الفيديو

  1. If water reaches 100ºC, it boils.
  2. If our teacher enters the classroom, the class begins.
  3. When ice comes to 1°C or more, it melts down.
  4. Plants die if they don’t get enough water.
  5. If you find Sami, call me immediately.
  6. If it rains, the grass gets wet.
  7. If my husband has a cold, I usually catch it quickly.
  8. Usually, she talks to me when I see her in the market.
  9. I eat fast food when I am in USA.
  10. You turn left immediately when you see the sign.

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